Bitcoin set to help communities — Latinx nonprofit now accepts crypto donations

Bitcoin News

An organization that supports communities in times of need employs the helping hands of crypto to open the doors for a “broader swath of philanthropists.”

Powered by charity provider The Giving Block, Corazón Latino is set to accept Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Dogecoin (DOGE), and many other cryptocurrencies to help its goals of reconnecting communities with the environment and providing quick responses to places affected by disasters like the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The nonprofit consistently runs initiatives focused on eco-tourism, conservation and climate resilience. Apart from these, Felipe Benitez, the founder and executive director of Corazón Latino, says that the organization has “provided rapid response mobilizations to support communities” during emergencies. Arizona, Puerto Rico and El Salvador are among the countries that received its support. 

The founder notes that adapting emerging technologies will help the organization in the long term. He says that they “believe that being at the vanguard of new tools and technologies” is very important to their future.

“Accepting cryptocurrency will be part of our long-term strategy allowing us to be more inclusive, creative, and innovative as we grow and adapt to our changing world.” 

Benitez adds that their team will also utilize nonfungible tokens to highlight the beauty of the environment. In recognition of Puerto Rico becoming a crypto hub, Corazón Latino will soon reveal NFTs that feature “the most beloved” wildlife in Puerto Rico. “We hope that each virtual asset reflects and embodies our appreciation for Madre Tierra,” says Benitez. 

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Meanwhile, The Giving Block’s annual report shows that 2021 recorded the most crypto donation volume ever within its platform. The company revealed that donations made a 16x jump from $4.2 million in 2020 to $69.6 million in 2021, making it the largest year for crypto charity. 

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