Month: March 2023

The Digital Euro Association (DEA) has published a new whitepaper to which Ripple Director of CBDC Product Management Anthony Ralphs was a contributor. Ripple called attention to this development in a tweet and blog post today. The latter explains that with central banks around the world increasingly exploring Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), privacy has
On Tuesday, French officials conducted raids on five major banks located in and around Paris, including Societe Generale, BNP Paribas, HSBC, Natixis, and BNP’s Exane Bank, over alleged charges of money laundering and fiscal fraud. According to a spokesperson for France’s Financial Prosecutor’s Office (PNF), the preliminary investigation into four French banks and one international
Steve Hanke, professor of applied economics at Johns Hopkins University, has criticized bitcoin, stating it is not a currency. The economist, known for his vocal opinions about crypto and for the promotion of dollarization initiatives in Latam, blasted bitcoin, saying it has a “fundamental value of zero,” and that it is a “highly speculative asset.”
Bitcoin (BTC) users will soon be able to use zero-knowledge proofs (ZK-proofs) to expedite the process of verifying individual blocks and, eventually, the entire blockchain.  ZeroSync Association, a Swiss-based nonprofit, is developing tooling which allows users to validate the state of the Bitcoin network without having to download the blockchain or trust a third party
Polygon has released its open-source zkEVM Ethereum scaling technology to the mainnet, promising reduced transaction costs and increased throughput of smart contract deployments. Polygon’s zkEVM is a zero-knowledge rollup (ZK-rollups) scaling solution equivalent to the Ethereum Virtual Machine. ZK-rollups increase throughput on Ethereum’s blockchain by batching computations and state storage to layer-2 platforms. The technology
Market strategist Jeremy Grantham, co-founder of asset management firm GMO, has warned of “super bubbles” bursting. He explained that the Federal Reserve has “created an environment conducive to a chain-linked series of super bubbles that break with outrageously consequential, painful effects.” Jeremy Grantham’s Warnings Investment strategist Jeremy Grantham shared his U.S. economic outlook with economist